Couponing for College Students - How To Save Money In School
Couponing for College Students

Couponing for College Students – How To Save Money and Live Better While You’re In School

107 Quick & Easy Ways To Have More Money

• Quick and easy changes you can make today to have more money in your pocket.

• It is NOT about depriving yourself and making depressing cut backs.

• It IS about making sure you're not wasting money, enjoying what you have, and looking for ways to have more fun!

• Be sure to check your email for the bonus surprise freebie!

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If you are in college I feel I can safely assume that you are broke, stressed, and short on time. Couponing for college students can help you out with being broke, maybe with being stressed (especially if you’re stressing about money), and help you with time by making easy foods affordable, and if you have the space, by helping you build up a little stockpile so you run to the store less often.

I haven’t been a student in a little while, but I still remember the feeling of being overwhelmed by the amount of work I needed to do, and how much deeper I was sinking into debt all the time. I *know* I sucked at feeding myself enough nutritious food to keep myself healthy, which in turn made me more likely to catch colds and flus, and left me generally more tired and farther behind.

Couponing for College Students

I’m not your mom, and I don’t want to be, but past me really wants you to know that it’s worth it to put a little more effort into finding healthy things to eat. I know it sucks and feels like a waste of time, but it really will help. Don’t be like me and realize years later how much energy I was missing out on because I was eating whatever was in front of me.

What you can’t save on

Most direct college expenses are rigged to keep you from saving on them. The local college bookstore does not give you coupons for textbooks, though sometimes you can find better deals online. If you’re not stressed for time, always check to see if you can get books online. 

Eating Cheap and Healthy

You’re probably trying to live off the most convenient foods possible, because you may have little to no cooking equipment or space. For quick snacks, consider protein and granola type bars, but don’t buy them without reading the package. If they’re no more nutritious than a candy bar, the candy bar is probably a lot cheaper. If they are more nutritious, then they’re likely to be expensive. Walgreens regularly puts protein bars on sale, and often has digital coupons. Ibotta frequently has the same brands with cash back offers, and I’ve found loads of them for very, very cheap, and sometimes free. (I eat them at work because I rarely get a real, uninterrupted lunch break, so they work out well there, too.) Protein bars are a competitive industry, so there are lots of discounts around.

Couponing for College Students - a group of students

If you like veggies with dip, prepared carrots and celery can often be found dirt cheap. Salad dressings, hummus, and sour cream for dipping can all be found that have lots of nutrition and protein, which combines for a good snack. Salad dressing and hummus are also competitive industries, so grocery stores will put them on sale, but I’ve found such good deals on Ibotta that I don’t even care about stacking them with other discounts. 

As for real, main course sorts of things, if you’re microwave dependent, the freezer case is another place to find great deals. Walmart usually has good prices. If you have the wherewithal to look for paper or digital coupons, and add on Ibotta, you can get lots of good stuff really cheap. If you do have a stove or oven to work with, consider frozen prepared produce to cook together into simple meals or fruits for smoothies – it’s cheap and nutritious. There are lots of websites dedicated to quick and easy meals made with these kinds of ingredients.

Save on Household Supplies

Couponing for College Students - a student browsing deals on a laptop

For your household supplies, this website will help you out all over the place. If you can scrounge any space for a stockpile you can collect up household goods at really low prices. If you don’t have much room, try to coupon the most expensive stuff first – that’s how you’ll get your best bang for your buck. I used stockpiling and discount shopping to help climb out of debt, it’s even better to use some of those tricks to prevent the debt in the first place. 

As a college student, you’re living with all the normal needs of an average adult, plus dealing with the extra stress and cost of being a student. Browse this website, learn the discount tricks at a favorite store or two, and try to take advantage of anywhere you can save some cash. And I’m still not your mom, but try to focus on your classes enough to pass them – the only thing worse than college debt is college debt that doesn’t end with a degree!

107 Quick & Easy Ways To Have More Money

• Quick and easy changes you can make today to have more money in your pocket.

• It is NOT about depriving yourself and making depressing cut backs.

• It IS about making sure you're not wasting money, enjoying what you have, and looking for ways to have more fun!

• Be sure to check your email for the bonus surprise freebie!

107 Quick & Easy Ways To Have More Money!Don't Miss This Free Ebook!

• Quick and easy changes you can make today to have more money in your pocket.

• It is NOT about depriving yourself and making depressing cut backs.

• It IS about making sure you're not wasting money, enjoying what you have, and looking for ways to have more fun!

• Be sure to check your email for the bonus surprise freebie!